Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Friday!

And here's to hoping that all the humans out there have a happy Friday. Enjoy! 

Really digging this new Mark Knight. It's deep. I wanna be in the club. 

Catchy deep house. Great vocal. 

Some tranced-out Lana. Can't stop listening to this one. 

- Shake 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We're Back.

In the spirit of the spring, and because I have a lot of new music, I've decided to start posting some stuff once again. Rather than overwhelm you with copious amounts of music, I've decided to make my posts shorter and sweeter. From now on, it's going to be three tracks. Hope you enjoy. Cheers. 


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Winter Blues

It's here. Winter has decided to descend upon us with all of its furry. It's cold, grey, and depressing. Fortunately, it's the weekend. Time to toss a couple back for your fellow humans, bundle up, and make the trek to your favorite weekend hangout. In honor of this, I have a couple of tracks to make you smile--they worked for me. Enjoy. 

Wonderfully uplifting trace by the likes of G&D. A real treat.

A oldie that I recently had the good fortune of rediscovering. Super funky. Makes me want to strap on them dancin shoes. 

House music with that tribal influence. Yes please. 

House music with that Latin influence. Uuuuuuuuuf. 

Fehrplay's newest release on Pryda's label. 

- Shake 

I've had this one-of-a-kind deep house track on repeat for the last week. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Shake's Year End Wrap-Up

I apologize humans. The year ended late for me. Say goodbye 2012 only to say hello 2013. It has been an incredible year for EDM as we have seen newcomers rise to the greatest of heights while veterans struggled.  In honor of such an interesting year, I have some of my favorite tracks of the year for you. I do not claim that this list is all-encompassing, and many of you will surely find fault with my selections. However, I think it captures some of the best tunes of 2013 from the numerous genres of EDM as they continue to grow and evolve. Cheers. 

- Shake 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Whole Lot Of Awesome Music

Blog posts have been few and far between lately. So I thought I'd compensate for that by giving out a whole bunch of music all at once and showing you a picture of some cats with lasers!

Some moar fuel for my Maor obsession. Absolutely love this guy.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

2013 Kickoff

Let's kickoff the 2013 trance scene with something from Jaytech's new album, alongside remixes from Audien and Mimax. These have been getting a lot of support from Above & Beyond lately on their Group Therapy radio show, and deservedly so. I can't get enough of the Mimax one. Happy New Year humans.


Monday, January 7, 2013

The Reason

For a number of us humans 2013 got off to a ruckus start at Harlot in San Francisco, where Slaptop and  myself had to opportunity to ring in the new year behind the decks.  As the countdown to midnight approached Slap mixed in this year's late arriving insta-classic "Easy," and as you can see from the picture above induced mass hysteria.  I hope all of you had equally enjoyable New Years celebrations and are getting your year off to a good start.  I'm working on a best of 2012 post which I'll be bringing to you soon, but until then here are a few gems to tide you over.

- Thieves