The M Machine, formerly known as Metropolis, are an electro-house outfit coming out of San Francisco who recently signed to Skrillex's OWSLA label. Up to this point they've been relatively quiet, releasing a single over the summer and a couple remixes before that. They have a very distinct dark, chunky and groovy sound that I have yet to hear from anyone else in the game. Today they dropped their debut EP titled "Promise Me A Rose Garden / Glow" after the two songs on the release. The former is a dark electro house track featuring eerie vocals, strings, horns, and a monster bass line. The latter is a slower indie dance jam which displays a surprising amount of song writing prowess.
The giant "M" pictured above in fact represents the lighting setup that these guys perform in front of during live shows. I was lucky enough to see them open for Porter Robinson back in August, and let me tell you this thing is sick. I fully recommend going out to see this act if you have the chance. I have my fingers for an OWSLA tour with Zedd, Porter Robinson, The M Machine and Skrillex. Probably a pipe dream.
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